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Refugio Los Volcanes

In Amboro Park 

Refugio Los Volcanes In Amboro Park is located in the ANMI (Integrated Management NaturaArea) of Amboro Park South side it has a height of about 800 meters on sea level. Refugio Los Volcanes which is a touristic complex with forest and many trails for trekking. Santa Cruz city is not far, In Kilometres Refugio Volcanes or Refugio Los Volcanes is about 90 way. .The trips to this destination start leaving the city at about 8H to take the old road to Cochabamba. It is about two hours by car on asphalted road and about half hour up hill on a dirt road. Then the passangers have to switch cars at entrance of Refugio Volcanes to go down hill to reach the lodge in about 20 more minutes.

Refugio Los Volcanes In Amboro Park

Amboro National Park, is a large wilderness of one and a half million acres that straddles the eastern foothills of the Andean mountains in the Department of Santa Cruz, Bolivia. It lies exactly at the point where the Andean cordillera turns abruptly north-west, and continues towards southern Peru. After having run 3,000 miles due north from Tierra del Fuego. This elbow and its low-lying hinterland is the meeting point of four very different geographical zones, the southern rim of the Amazona basin (with its humid tropical forest) the western edge of the brasilian shield (with its sub-tropical deciduous forest) limit of the temperate woodland ofh the Chaco and the very diverse subtropical and temparate forest of the Andean mountains themselves. It is not surprising then to find that the park contains eleven Holdridge Life Zones (the same as the whole of Costa Rica) from the warn humid forest of the low lands to the cactus deserts adn cloud forestof the uplands

Refugio Los Volcanes

In Amboro Park


Information  About The Trails

Grade Of Difficulty

- Itineraries  :
1 Day 0 Nights

2 Days 1 Night 
3 Days  2  Nights

2 Dia Noche 

(Samaipata and Refugio Los Volcanes)

- Photos:  

Refugio Volcanes 

- Videos:

Refugio  Volcanes 

- Maps:

Amboro Park

- What to Bring ....?

Refugio Los Volcanes

In Amboro Park


  • Hotel Pick up & Drop off in down town Santa Cruz city
  • Over night in a Lodge at Refugio Volcanes in Amboro park.
  • Local Spanish speaking companion for the trekking. If you want to get more advantage of your time in the trails WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND YOU TO hire (from Amboro Tours) a private guide, he/she would ride with you from the city of Santa Cruz. The standard package is with a local companion for the trekking in Refugio Volcanes and usually the trekking  is with more visitors.
  • Meals
  • Water

                                             DOES NOT INCLUDE

  • Snacks
  • Special Medicines
  • Bilingual guide
  • Any item not mentioned in Includes
  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Trekking accident insurance


  • Read the terms and conditions of this tour before paying
  • Read the list of things to bring


  • It is forbidden to transport and / or use of drugs according to Bolivian laws.
  • Adverse weather conditions can change the original program.
  • Social Convulsions can affect the original itinerary.

Refugio Los Volcanes In Amboro Park

One Day Zero Nights Tours

One Day zero Nights - Refugio Los Volcanes Amboro in Park Tours

From the City of Santa Cruz

1 Days 0 Nights

Tours Los Refugio Volcanes in Amboro Park

1 Dia 0 Noches
Your private guide and the driver will Pick you up 8H00 to binging your tour to Refugio Los Volcanes In Amboro Park.
After about 2 hours of driving you leave the main highway to start an uphill dirt road ride for about 4 km to the entrance of Refugio Los Volcanes.


Then you switch cars to go down hill to the lodge of Refugio Los Volcanes. This ride takes about 20 minutes.


Your private guide will tell you the options of paths for your first trekking. This may last about 2 or 3 hours.

hiking at refugio volcanes

If you would like the guide could ask for the lunch to go. l

If take your lunch to go you may have chances to explore others paths

Birds Refugio Volcanes Bolivia

Or you can have lunch at the dining room of Refugio Los Volcanes.

Dinning Room

Also you may have the option to enjoy a bath in a natural pool of a waterfall near by.

Natural pools at  Refugio Volcanes

At about 16H30 you are going up in a car back to the entrance of Refugio Los Volcanes.
After switching vehicles you will have transfer to the city of Santa Cruz.
Drop off at your hotel at about 19H00
End of your 1 day 0 night tour to Refugio Los Volcanes.

Refugio Los Volcanes In Amboro Park


2 Days 1 Night

Refugio Los Volcanes Amboro National Park                                              

Two Days One Night

From the City of Santa Cruz

2 Days 1 Night

1st Day

We pick you up at 8:00 A M to drive you to Refugio Los Volcanes in Amboro National Park. All this highway is asphalted up to a secondary road  near our destination.

Refugio Los Volcanes In Amboro Park

After about 2 hours and 79 Km we reach the village of Bermejo. From this place we take a dirt road entirely uphill for about 4 km. Until we stop at the entrance of Refugio Volcanes or "Reja Verde" at about 900 Mt on sea level

Refugio Los Volcanes Air view

From this point we switch  to  a 4WD vehicle to go downhill on a narrow road. The vehicle for this path is usually smaller than the one we have used so far.

Refugio Los Volcanes In Amboro Park

We arrive to the lodge after about 20 minutes on the vehicle. This place is a plain spot surrounded by large sandstone mountains

Refugio Los Volcanes In Amboro Park

In the Lodge the visitors  are accommodated in their private Doble or Twins rooms with private bathrooms and showers. 

Refugio Los Volcanes In Amboro Park

After your accommodation at your room/s, If you have hired a private guide with your travel agent/tour operator he/she will coordinate with you all the trekking.

If you only have the standard package with a companion you may have to join some others visitors for the trekking.
In this case you should look for the manager of Refugio Volcanes to coordinate your trekking with a companion. If you have any problem getting a hold of the manager, you should look for the companion for the trekking. In case you can not get in touch with one of them, please call or text your tour operator. Wi Fi is able in Refugio Volcanes.

Refugio Los Volcanes In Amboro Park

Make sure you take enough water with you from the serf service provider.

Refugio Los Volcanes In Amboro Park

All the Hikes in the morning or in the afternoon and evening should be remembered to the people in charge of  in of Refugio Volcanes


If if you  are vegetarian or you have any allergies to any kind of meals please advice of this to the your tour operator. 

Refugio Los Volcanes In Amboro Park

About the time of dinner, lunch or breakfast on the . Please coordinate with the  persons in charge of Refugio Volcanes or with your guide.

Dinning Room

2nd Day - Refugio Los Volcanes Amboro National Park tours

If you paid for the  standard package with  a companion for the trekking al please coordinate with  the people in charge of in of Refugio Volcanes.

If you  have  a private guide and your visit to Refugio Los Volcanes is for 2 days 1 night or more, this day you may have breakfast very early in the morning and your guide can ask for  the lunch to go, so you do not have to get back to the lodge for lunch. This way you may get more time in the jungle.

Birds Refugio Volcanes Bolivia

Birds - Foto Refugio Volcanes

Some trails go all the ways to the Red Line of Amboro National park. There are others  trails very uphill also. Please ask your guide or trekking-companion about it.

Refugio Los Volcanes In Amboro Park

In Refugio Volcan there are many trails some last about one hour others may last about three hours.


Butterfly- Foto Refugio Los Volcanes Amboro National Park

We strongly recommend you to hire a private guide with Amboro Tours It could  makes the difference. 

Caterpillars Refugio VolcanesTours

In the trails during the hikes usually is possible to see hundreds of different plants, fungus, many birds, insects an sometimes mammals. 

Refugio Los Volcanes Fungus

Fungus- Foto Refugio Los Volcanes Amboro National Park

Near the lodge there is this small waterfall within a few minutes walking distance from the main lodge in case you want to just to relax before getting back to your hotel in the city.

At approximately 16:00 hours, the vehicle responsible to take  the visitors out of Refugio Los Volcanes and   up to the  "Reja Verde" will have to be ready. 

The other vehicle that will bring you back to the city of Santa Cruz will be waiting at 16H30

We will be getting to Santa Cruz about 18:30 hours

End of ourTours To Refugio Los Volcanes Amboro National Park Park.

Amboro Tours is the only original source of this Itinerary

Amboro Tours also offers tours of more days at this destination.

Adverse weather conditions or social upheaval can change the original itinerary

Refugio Volcanes Amboro National Park
3 Days 2 Nights

RRefugio Los Volcanes Amboro National Park

Three Days Two Nights

From the City of Santa Cruz

3 Days 2 Nights

1st Day

We pick you up at 8:00 A M to drive you on a highway Refugio Los VolcanesIn Amboro Park . All this highway is asphalted

Refugio Los Volcanes In Amboro Park

After about 2 hours and 79 Km we reach the village of Bermejo. From this place we take a dirt road entirely uphill for about 4 km. Until we stop at the entrance of Refugio Volcanes or "Reja Verde" at about 900 Mt on sea level

Refugio Los Volcanes Air view

From this point we switch  to  a 4WD vehicle to go downhill on a narrow road. The vehicle for this path is usually smaller than the one we have used so far.

We arrive to the lodge after about 20 minutes on the vehicle. This place is a plain spot surrounded by large sandstone mountains

In the Lodge the visitors  are accommodated in their private Doble or Twins rooms with private bathrooms and showers. 

After your accommodation at your room/s, If you have hired a private guide with your travel agent/tour operator he/she will coordinate with you all the trekking. If you only have the standard package with a companion you may have to join some others visitors for the trekking.
In this case  you should look for the manager of Refugio Volcanes to coordinate your trekking with a companion. If you have any problem getting a hold of the manager, you should look for the companion for the trekking. In case you can not get in touch with one of them, please call or text your tour operator. Wi Fi is able in Refugio Volcanes.

Make sure you take enough water with you from the serfservice provider.

In the trails during the hikes usually is possible to see hundreds of different plants, fungus, many birds, insects an sometimes mammals.

Refugio Los Volcanes Fungus

Fungus- Foto Refugio Los Volcanes Amboro National Park

About the time for dinner, lunch or breakfast on the 2nd day, 3er. Please coordinate with the persons in charge of Refugio Volcane or with your private guide.

If if you are vegetarian or you have any allergies to any kind of meals please advice of this to the your tour operator.

Dinning Room

Overnight at Refugio Volcan lodge

2nd Day
If your visit to Refugio Los Volcanes is for 3 days 2 nights or more, this day you may have breakfast very early in the moning and your guide (In case you have one) can get the lunch to go, so you do not have to get back to the lodge to eat. This way you may get more time in the jungle.


Tamandua- Foto Refugio Volcanes

On these trails you may see monkeys and birds, but we do not guarantee it

Birds Refugio Volcanes Bolivia

Birds - Foto - Refugio Volcanes Amboro National Park

Some trails go all the ways to the Red Line of Amboro National park. There are others  trails very uphill also. Please ask your guide or trekking-companion about it.

In Refugio Volcan there are many trails some last about one hour others may last about three hours.


Butterfly- Foto Refugio Los Volcanes Amboro National Park

At night is also possible to have a short walk in some trails to have more chances of wildlife.

Caterpillars Refugio VolcanesTours

Caterpillars- Foto Refugio Los Volcanes Amboro National Park

3rd Day
You may have some more trekking after breakfast on a different paths or you can relax by the waterfall near by the lodge.

Refugio Los Volcanes In Amboro Park tours

Near the lodge there is this small waterfall within a few minutes walking distance from the main lodge.

Refugio Los Volcanes In Amboro ParkRefugio Volcanes Amboro National Park

We strongly recommend you to hire a private guide with Amboro Tours It could makes the difference.

At approximately 16:00 hours, the vehicle responsible to take  the visitors out of Refugio Los Volcanes and   up to the  "Reja Verde" will have to be ready. 

The other vehicle that will bring you back to the city of Santa Cruz will be waiting at 16H30

We will be getting to Santa Cruz about 18:30 hours

End of our Refugio Los Volcanes In Amboro Park tour.

Amboro Tours is the only original source of this Itinerary

Amboro Tours also offers tours of more days at this destination.

Adverse weather conditions or social upheaval can change the original itinerary

Refugio Los Volcanes In Amboro Park  

2 Days 1 Night (Combination)

Two Days One Night

From the City of Santa Cruz

2 Days 1 Night

1st Day

The tour to Refugio Los Volcanes In Amboro Park starts at 8H00, we pick you up to drive you on a highway to this beautiful destination. All this highway is asphalted.

Refugio Los Volcanes In Amboro Park

After about 2 hours and 79 Km we reach the village of Bermejo. From this place we take a dirt road entirely uphill for about 4 km. Until we stop at the entrance of Refugio Volcanes or "Reja Verde" at about 900 Mt on sea level

Refugio Los Volcanes Air view

From this point we switch  to  a 4WD vehicle to go downhill on a narrow road. The vehicle for this path is usually smaller than the one we have used so far.

Refugio Los Volcanes In Amboro Park

We arrive to the lodge after about 20 minutes on the vehicle. This place is a plain spot surrounded by large sandstone mountains

Refugio Los Volcanes In Amboro Park

In the Lodge the visitors  are accommodated in their private Doble or Twins rooms with private bathrooms and showers. 

Refugio Los Volcanes In Amboro Park

After your accommodation at your room/s, If you have hired a private guide with your travel agent/tour operator he/she will coordinate with you all the trekking.

If you only have the standard package with a companion you may have to join some others visitors for the trekking.
In this case you should look for the manager of Refugio Volcanes to coordinate your trekking with a companion. If you have any problem getting a hold of the manager, you should look for the companion for the trekking. In case you can not get in touch with one of them, please call or text your tour operator. Wi Fi is able in Refugio Volcanes.

Refugio Los Volcanes In Amboro Park

Make sure you take enough water with you from the serf service provider.

Refugio Los Volcanes In Amboro Park

All the Hikes in the morning or in the afternoon and evening should be remembered to the people in charge of  in of Refugio Volcanes


If if you  are vegetarian or you have any allergies to any kind of meals please advice of this to the your tour operator. 

Refugio Los Volcanes In Amboro Park

About the time of dinner, lunch or breakfast on the . Please coordinate with the  persons in charge of Refugio Volcanes or with your guide.

Dinning Room

2nd Day

After or before breakfast, if you wish, a short hike should be done. If you did not hire a private guide you would need to coordinate this with the people in charge of Refugio Volcanes.

Birds Refugio Volcanes Bolivia

If you get up early you should have the time for some more trekking.

Some trails go all the ways to the Red Line of Amboro National park. There are others trails very uphill also. Please ask your guide or trekking-companion about it.

Refugio Los Volcanes In Amboro Park

We strongly recommend you to hire a private guide with Amboro Tours It could  makes the difference. 

In the trails during the hikes usually is possible to see hundreds of different plants, fungus, many birds, insects an sometimes mammals. 

Near the lodge there is this small waterfall within a few minutes walking distance from the main lodge in case you want to just to relax before departing out of Refugio Los Volcanes

Refugio Los Volcanes In Amboro Park

Please, if you do not have a private guide remenber the manager for Refugio Volcanes to drive you out of Refugio Volcanes at 9H30 toward the "Reja Verde" where the other vehicle should be waiting to take you to Samaipata.


Samaipata is a town in a valley at 1600 meters on sea level with 4500 inhabitants. Its has a temperate climate.

Refugio Los Volcanes In Amboro Park

In Samaipata is possible to visit the   museum which exhibits pottery objects of the cultures Moxo-Collas, Chane and Yncas

Refugio Los Volcanes In Amboro Park

Lunch is in a restaurant by the main square of Samaipata

Samaipata Plaza Çhe Guevara Tours

If we still have time available we can visit "Cuevas" to get near a waterfall after a short walk

Refugio Los Volcanes In Amboro Park

Upon ending this interesting visit to el Fuerte of Samaipata we return to the city of Santa Cruz at about 19:00 hours.

Once in Santa Cruz we take you to your hotel

End of our Tours To Refugio Los Volcanes In Amboro Park and Samaipata.

Please read our Terms and Conditions.

Amboro Tours is the only original source of this Itinerary

Amboro Tours also offers tours of more days at these destinations.

Adverse weather conditions or social upheaval can change the original itinerary

Refugio Los Volcanes In Amboro Park


 Infrastructure of Refugio Los Volcanes In Amboro Park: colonial style lodge, spacious lawn and lounging areas with a spectacular view for enjoying your favorite book.

Refugio Volcanes Tours.- Capacity: 12 guests. Six double rooms each with private bath surrounded by an exuberant landscape and    the cry of the wild.

- Meals: Combination of international, national and vegetarian dishes.

- Modern bathrooms and hot showers.

- Potable water and solar/hydro-powered electricity system.

-Small library, bar, and shop of essential supplies for the jungle explorer.

Refugio Volcanes Tours.- Integral, environmentally friendly waste management.

Refugio Volcanes Tours..- Capacity for small workshops and conferences.

- 4WD Jeep for transport

Refugio Los Volcanes In Amboro Park - Activities

Activities.- A trail system of 15 km that covers all the different habitat types.

- Exploring the forest with local guides.

- Observing birds (over 200 species), monkeys, butterflies, frogs and many other fascinating critters.

- Enjoying beautiful orchids and bromeliads.

- Moon walks observing the jungle night life.

- Relaxing in hammocks.

- Refreshing baths in naturals pools formed by the

- waterfalls of the Elvira Creek

 What  To Bring ?  

Refugio Los Volcanes In Amboro Park


 - Sunscreen

- A Cap or a Hat  ( No to be used under the trees or branches)

- Sun Glasses

- A Warm Sweater

- Raincoat

- Swimsuit 

- Insect Repellents

- Long-sleeved shirt- PantsLight colors 

(Mosquitoes are especially attracted by dark colors)

- Passport (Original) Or identifications documents valid in Bolivia

- Plastic bags  to protect whatever you do not want to get wet

- Trekking Shoes or others proper Shoes.

- Bring your own medication or your personal needs

- Personal items you may need

- Extra food, cookies or sweets of your choice

- A pair of Sandals and/or light Shoes to walk in streams or rivers

- A hand torch Hand & head lamp with enough batteries

- Enough cloth a pair of trousers. It should become shorts and dry fast.

It may rain and the cloths may get wet with water

Information  About The Trails 

Grade Of Difficulty

Refugio Los Volcanes In Amboro Park

Refugio Los Volcanes In Amboro Park    
LORO Trail – Moderate to Difficult (3 Hours)
The start of this trail is located 200 meters before reaching the main lodge. Initially, the path through the forest is flat, following the river. During this part of the journey, you have the best chance to see monkeys and parrots. The route then returns to the rocky and steep slope of the southern valley, where you'll walk while observing rocks covered with bromeliads and many sunbathing lizards. It's also common to see some condors circling around the reddish cliffs of the valley. The view is beautiful, with dramatic vistas from various viewpoints. The trail continues along the slope back to the main entrance road.

CONDOR Trail – Moderate (2 – 3 Hours) Tours To Refugio Volcanes
This trail starts right next to the restaurant and crosses several rivers before reaching a wide area with huge Bibosi trees. It continues with a fairly demanding 20-minute uphill climb through the humid jungle. The reward is a wonderful panoramic view of the lodge and its surroundings. During the descent, pay attention to the mountains on the other side of the lodge, as it's very common to see condors soaring there.

AMBORÓ Trail – Moderate to Difficult (3 – 5 Hours)
This trail begins next to the restaurant. The first part follows the route of the Orchid and Coffee trails before delving deeper into the jungle. Be prepared to get your feet wet, depending on the water level of the Elvira River, which you'll cross multiple times. You might frequently come across traces of larger mammals like pumas and jaguars on the trail. You'll encounter several incredible waterfalls with natural pools along the way, where you can cool off and even enjoy a picnic. The return to the lodge is along the same route.

ORQUIDEAS Trail – Very Easy (0.5 – 1 Hour)
This short loop starts next to the restaurant and is suitable for all levels. The route crosses the Elvira River several times, making it fun for children who will find various opportunities to play and splash in the water. You can see orchids during the walk, especially between the months of June and November.

TRES CASCADAS Trail – Easy (0.5 – 1 Hour)
This trail begins next to the restaurant and takes you to three beautiful nearby waterfalls. When the water level allows, you can swim in the natural pools.

SIRARI Trail – Moderate (3 Hours)
This fairly flat trail starts at the restaurant. It follows the Orchid Trail before taking a detour that leads towards Amboró National Park. A picturesque waterfall marks the end of this route, an ideal place to take a break before returning.

BOSQUE SECO Trail – Moderate to Difficult (3 – 4 Hours)
The trail starts with a difficult and steep 2-kilometer climb from the main access road to Cafetal. Here, you turn right and venture into the jungle on a narrow path. You'll be shaded by lush trees for most of the way, with occasional views of the lodge below. Then, in the last section, you'll descend, following the Elvira River and connecting to the Tres Cascadas Trail, which passes by the waterfalls near the restaurant.

CUMBRE Trail – Very Difficult (4 – 5 Hours)
This trail begins on the main access road and initially follows the Loro Trail. Then, you take a left turn where a steep and demanding 2-hour ascent begins. At the summit, an incredible and dazzling 360° view awaits. This trail is only recommended for individuals in excellent physical condition due to its rigor and difficulty.

Tours To Refugio Volcanes

Maps - Amboro Park

Refugio Los Volcanes In Amboro Park 

Maps - Refugio Volcanes

Videos - Refugio Los Volcanes Tours

Photos -  Refugio Los Volcanes 

waterfall at Refugio Volcanes
Refugio Los Volcanes In Amboro Park
Refugio Los Volcanes In Amboro ParkTime To Eat Refugio Volcanes Tours
Refugio Los Volcanes In Amboro ParkRefugio Volcanes tours

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Refugio Los Volcanes lodge