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Noel Kempff National

Park Flor De Oro

Noel Kempff National Park Flor De Oro is on the border between Bolivia and Brasil on the banks of Itinez or Guapore river in Noel Kempff National Park which is a spectacular biological reserve of 1.5 million hectares located in the northeastern corner of Bolivia, in the Department of Santa Cruz. Due to its unique bio-geographical location and the rich and extraordinary diversity of species and habitats found in the park, Noel Kempff attained status as a World Heritage Site in 2000. 

Most of tours offered by the travel agencies  to Noel Kempff National Park Flor De Oro do not go to the ecolodge Flor De Oro  because it is not operating anymore. This lodge  has deteriorated a lot in recent years and  it lacks maintenance, tourists who go to the Ahlfeld and Arcoiris waterfalls no longer reach Flor De Oro.  The visitors that travel by land or by  a small plane  do not go through Flor De Oro. The tours offered to Noel Kempff National Park  north side  are through the communities  Piso Firme,  Remanso, or El Cafetal.

Noel Kempff National Park Flor De Oro

Noel Kempff National Park
Flor De Oro Waterfalls Tours

The Noel Kempff Park Flor De Oro waterfalls Tours  are on the north side of the Park.  On these tours  some  time is spend on the Itenez  and Pauserna rivers and as well as in the oxbow lakes  of these rivers, looking to have more chances of to see wildlife.

One of the biggest attractions that visitors attending this side of the park can find are the fabulous Arcoiris and Ahlfeld waterfalls. Although you can find   others waterfalls that are created when it rains a lot.

Other major attractions are the chances of observing the freshwater dolphins and Giant River Otters and maybe a jaguar. among many other mammals of the Amazon.

The number of birds that can be appreciated, according to our experience and knowledge, are in more number on this North Side of the park. But the number of species are much more  in the south side of this  park.

We offer  different kind of itineraries or programs for visiting the north side of Noel Kempff. All trips start from Santa Cruz city and tours can be by land or by a small plane


United Nations Educational Scientific Cultural Organization

This site was  designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in  2000. Its importance is partially because the vegetation is almost pristine, with only minor human impacts from minimal logging activity experienced in the 1980.

The park encompasses the Huanchaca Plateau, which is one of the largest protected tracts of undisturbed cerrado  savannahs in the Neotropical realm This area has some of the most threatened mega-fauna in the Americas

Tours, trips to visit  the main attractions in this national Park are  divided in two zones..North and South.

Please take a look to the links below for details

Itineraries - Programs

Five Days - Four Night

By Plane

By Land

Tours Itineraries 

By Plane

Five Days - Four Nights

Noel Kempff National Park Flor De Oro

5 Days 4 Nights - Noel Kempff National Park Flor De Oro

North Side   Transport By  Plane

From the city of Santa Cruz

1st Day 

The tour to Noel Kempff National Park Flor De Oro starts at 7:30 a.m. You will be picked up from your hotel or home by our personnel to be taken to the air field. There we will board a small single-engine air plane which will take us to Noel Kempff National Park north side. We will arrive to El Cafetal airfield in about 3 hours of flight. (We recommend you to use the toilette before boarding) 

Noel Kempff National Park Flor De OroEl Trompillo Airport Noel Kempf Park Waterfalls Tour

We will have the opportunity to appreciate from up-high the city of Santa Cruz. And after flying for the first 30 minutes towards the north-east we will be able to appreciate the devastation inflicted to the forest by the agriculture fields, meanly of Soy Beans and Sunflower. Later  we will be flying on the town of Concepcion which is part of the Jesuit Missions of the Chiquitania 

Jesuit Mission Concepcion Noel Kempf Tours

On the way to Noel Kempff National Park Flor De Oro, flying for some more time  we start seeing how the  exuberant green carpet get thicker, And soon we are flying on the virgin jungle of park

Flying over amazonian - Noel kempf tours

Some more time on the way and will start watching  the awesome Caparu plateau.On our way to Flor De Oro in Noel Kempf National Park, flying on the plateau we can appreciate from the plane the  impressing waved landscape and the different vegetation of this flat mountain while we get close to the  waterfalls  “Arcoiris” y “Ahlfeld”.

Once on of the Arcoiris waterfall we will fly  on a flank to have better view of the waterfall, so pictures are easier to be taken. And in about two minutes we will be on the Anfeld, the we need go find the airfield  near itenez/ Guapore river.

Soon we will be landing at Valle Itenez airfield, a little far from the waterfalls but the is the nearest one available and legally operable.

Soon after landing we should begin a beautiful trip navigating the Itenez river waters, for the first four hours approximately, sometimes depending on season is possible to find the awesome floating plant Victoria Boliviana. 

Later we will  meet   Pauserna River. Pauserna is a smaller river coming out of the park into Itenez river. Because the arrival to the airfield sometimes is sometimes delayed due to whether conditions,  the group may  have to spend the first night in camping at a riverbank next to the park rangers' boat. It is about 3  hours before Ahfeld Camp. At this point we also need to do some paper work to get access to the waterfalls.

Dinner and overnight at this point where Itenez and Pausernan river meet.

2nd Day

Early in the morning  we procceed our journey to Ahlfeld camp on Pauserna river.

We may have the opportunity of seeing and watch a great variety of birds like Kingfishers and different mammals such as the Capybaras and if we are lucky enough..It is even possible to spot some jaguar on the beaches of the river But we do not   guarantee finding and watching any wild mammals

This will certainly turn our journey into an unforgettable experience. An experience which permits us to enjoy the infinite wonders of nature.

Arrival to Ahlfeld camp. Settle in in camping (camping gear is included). The place will be our sub-base camp for all our excursions today and tomorow.

After that we cross Pauserna river to  start a short  walk through a path parallel to the Pauserna River. The path is covered by a very relaxing canopy forest. This walk is approximately 30 minutes and goes towards a natural pool formed by  this waterfall. Here we will have a special and spectacular view from the bottom We will also be able to take pictures from different angles. We will be able to enjoy these falls and take a swim but NOT to close to the falls.

We must take notice and respect all existing signs and indications of caution. We must be aware of the presence of Sting Rays in the water as well as the presence of other animals which are not very probable but surely possible.

Noel Kempf National Park North Side

Some times also is possible to enjoy another waterfall from which you can get some wonderful massages for the whole body. 

If the conditions allow it, We could have an early boat ride to visit some new places near by or some trekking

Rain Season Waterfalls - Noel kempf Tours

At night it possible to have a trekking  to try to see more wildlife.

Dinner and overnight in Ahfeld Camp.

3rd  Day 

After breakfast, we will set out on a  path  parallel to the Pauserna River towards the top part of the Ahfeldfalll. Here is where the waterfall begins. The view from here is more impressive.  

Even though the view is not as extensive as the one from bottom it is some how creepy.  CAUTION: do not get too close to the edges since the rocks are very SLIPPERY.

Natural massages Noel kempf Tours

Following the same trail affter about 2.5 hours we should arrive at ArcoIris Waterfall view point

Total time hiking both ways is about 6 hours

This first part of the walk is 40 minutes, and we will stop to enjoy the place and surroundings for about 30 minutes.

Ahfeld-waterfall Noel Kempf Park

After this point, we will keep on our way up to have a close look at Arcoiris Waterfall.

We keep getting further away from the camp-site on a path  through different types of forests. The path will go slightly uphill towards the Arcoiris  fall view point.

There are parts where the path turns narrow with a rocky wall on one side and an edge that falls several meters down to the Pauserna River... We must walk very carefully. We will keep going upward on the path through the jungle whose vegetation keeps changing.

Trail to Arcoiris Waterfall - Noel Kempf Tours

At the top we reach  Caparú Plateau where the forest’s vegetation is already low. We walk for approximately 30 more minutes on the plateau until we get to the point where we get a magnificent view of Arcoiris Falls. It is here where we stop for refreshments and lunch sandwiches. 

Noel Kempff National Park Flor De OroNoel Kempf National Park - ArcoIris Waterfall

Meanwhile we watch in this immense place, the action of the water that falling down creates a notable evaporation of liquids, part of the natural cycle which must be watched, appreciated and meditated upon.

Depending on the rain season,some streams become rivers which turn into others impressive waterfalls; smaller but yet closer and more accessible to the visitor who may swim and  get massaged by the fall of its water.

Rain  Season Natural pools Noel Kempf Tours

Sometimes Arcoiris Fall may be visited from below.  Though. this is not very frequent. The visits to the bottom of Arcoiris depends largely on the CONDITIONS of the Pauserna River and availability of  time.

The Pauserna River must be crossed swimming with much caution with the animals of the place as well as caution with the “tenant” residing on the bottom part of the Arcoiris Falls who is the Anaconda “Iris”!!!!!!! She has been spotted on several occasions from the top of the plateau (with binoculars) basking in the sun on the rocks

Anaconda noel kempf tours

After we are done appreciating the watefall and its surroundings. We should return to the Ahlfeld Camp-site to rest and have dinner.

Dinner noel kempf tours

4th Day

After breakfast, to be more in tune with the wildlife’s movements, have more possibilities of observing some mammals or birds that we have not yet seen and to arrive on time to the airfield to fly back to Santa Cruz, we should start the trip back  to the airfield. 

The return trip is somewhat shorter than the original trip.

On the way back to the community we may have the time to stop to have one more chance to observe some more wildlife

Also we may stop at a community on riverbanks to have a tipical lunch

Once in the community we should stay overnight at the hostel because it is going to be no enough daylight to fly to the city of Santa Cruz.

Dinner and overnight in the community near the airfield

5th Day

After breakfast we  should board the small plane to return to Santa Cruz city

we should use the restrooms before boarding the small plane.

Once in the city we drive you to your place. 

End of this visit of Noel Kempff National Park Flor De Oro

Thank you

Please Read The Terms and Conditions of our Services

Amboró Tours is the only original source of this Itinerary

Amboró Tours also offers longer or shorter tours to this destination.

Adverse climatology conditions or social unrest can change the original itinerary.

Remember that this itinerary can vary or not be fulfilled in its entirety by climate factors and/or the conditions of the ways and rivers or water streams.

Likewise, remember that this tour can become an adventure where mishaps can happen, which is why it is necessary to have an exploring and adventurous spirit.

Be prepared to protect yourself against the sun (sun lotion, sunglasses, hat or cap, long-sleeved shirt, long trousers and others) and rain (impermeable clothes)

Remember that nothing should be removed from the park (plants or seeds)

“Take only photographs and leave only footprints”

- Photos 

- Videos

- Maps

. What To Bring ......?

- Recommendations

The Tour includes

The tour by plane or by land to Noel Kempff National Park Flor De Oro includes:

  • Hotel Pick up & Drop off in the city of Santa Cruz
  • Private Transportation by air or Land  - Santa Cruz -city - Piso Firme -Santa Cruz city
  • Guide (Spanish speaking. Translator available with an extra cost)
  • Bottled Water
  • Meals
  • Transport by  a motor boat too get near the waterfall Ahlfeld
  • Trekking in the jungle of the park
  • Camping gear

Does not Includes:

  • Special Medicines
  • Bilingual guide
  • A translator
  • Any item not mentioned in Includes
  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Porter (Someone to carry your belongings


  • Read the terms and conditions of the tour
  • Read the list of things to bring with you

Others :

  • It is forbidden to transport and / or use of drugs according to Bolivian laws.
  • Adverse weather conditions can change the original program.
  • Social Convulsions can affect the original itinerary.

Noel Kempff National Park Flor De Oro - North Side

Waterfalls; Arco Iris / Ahfeld 

Transport;  By Land 

Flor De Oro - Itinerary - Noel Kempf NP North Side

Itinerary 6 days 6 nights

1st Night -

Departure from the city of Santa Cruz in a vehicle with destination to the community Piso Firme community near Noel Kempf N park
Overnight in the vehicle during the trip.

1st Day - 

Arriving at Piso Firme at about 16H00.
Overnight in a hostal in the community Piso Firme.

2nd Day - 
Departure early morning in a motorboat towards Pauserna river.
After about 7 hours on Itnez river on the border with Brasil we arrive at the point where Pauserna river meets the Itenez river. Here we may do some paper work with the park rangers of the park. From this point to the Ahlfeld camp site is about 3 hours more in the motor boat on Pauserna river . Depending on the time available after the paper work we resume the navagation to Ahlfeld camp site and we can use the rest of the day exploring the banks of the rivers, the oxbow lakes around and we stay overnight in tents near the park rangers site, or if we have enough day light time we resume the trip to Ahlfeld camp site

3er Day
Early in the morning we resume the trip to the camping site near Ahlfeld waterfall.
Once in the camping site we setup the tents and we plan the activities for today. The activities or the trekking will depends on the arrival time to this point and the weather conditions.
Dinner and over at Ahlfeld camping site.

4th Day - 

Early in the morning trekking towards the view point of Arcoíris waterfalls. Total time trekking about 6 hours.
Also this visit could have been done the day before, it depends on the time available.
Overnight at Ahlfeld waterfall.

5th Day 

Departure back towards Piso Firme community on the motorboat.
Total time riding the boat on Paserna and Itinez river 7 hours
Arrival to Piso Firma about 17h.
Departure in a car to Santa Cruz city at about 18H30
Overnight in the vehicle during the trip back.

6th Day

Arrival at Santa Cruz city about 17H

End of  the trip.

What we recommend To Take With You

(Noel Kempff National Park Flor De Oro


  1 Day 0 Nights  

- Sunscreen

- A Cap or a Hat  ( No to be used under the trees or branches)

- Sun Glasses

- A Warm Sweater

- Raincoat

- Swimsuit ( You may not have time to use it in one day tours)

- Insect Repellents

- Long-sleeved shirt- Pants Light colours 

  Mosquitoes are especially attracted by dark colours)

- Passport (Original) Or identifications documents valid in Bolivia

- Plastic bags  to protect whatever you do not want to get wet

- Trekking Shoes or others proper Shoes.

- Bring your own medication for your personal needs

- Personal items you may need

- Extra food, cookies or sweets of your choice

- Toilet paper, Towel and others personal items  

-Trekking shoes, A pair of Sandals and/or light Shoes

- A hand torch Hand & head lamp with enough batteries

- Enough cloth. And a pair of trousers. It should become shorts and dry fast


Noel Kempff National Park Flor De Oro

1. Follow the guide's instructions 

2. Do not explore on your own 

3. Do not touch any insect or reptile

4. Protect things you want to keep dry by putting them in plastic bags. 

5. Do not litter. Including cigarette butts

6. Be careful about SLIPPING and falling, when crossing the rivers and streams or by the natural swimming pools 

7. Do not jump from place to place 

8. Do not smoke or light Candles inside the tents. 

9. Do not lift any rocks or logs 

10. Do not litter

11. In the natural places where you take a bath do not use shampoo or soap

Tropical Diseases.- To minimize the risk of  malaria, or a  tropical disease we 

Strongly recommend the use of long sleeved shirts and pants. During both day and night, and the use of repellents.

Positive Thinking.- When travelling in Bolivia, particularly to remote areas, 

keep in mind that you are travelling in sparsely populated areas where few people go. 

We suggest you a positive mental approach to relax, keep an open mind

Deodorant.-  Try not to bring to  the forest strong odor substances Keep In Mind: The changing weather can affect your future plans

- It is prohibited to hunt or capture any animal species or extract plants

- You have to carry your camping gear and water. And you may have to help the guide With 1 or 3 kilos.  Unless you have paid for a porter.

- Likewise, remember that this tour can become an adventure where mishaps can happen, which is why it is necessary to have an exploring and adventurous spirit.


Noel Kempff National Park Flor De Oro

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