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El Beni Wildlife Tours

Pink Dolphins Wildlife El Beni Tours

El Beni Wildlife Tours in Chuchini 

El Beni Wildlife El Beni Tours

1st Day

8:00 Pick up at your place in Trinidad city down town
After about 1 hour of driving we reach Chuchini, breakfast at Chuchini
A short walk of about two hours aroung to know more of Chuchini and its fruit trees
Typical lunch with seasonal fruit juices
After lunch, a trekking for about 2 or for 4 hours (It depends on the season and on the conditions of the paths ) on the trails and to the "Media Luna" lagoon
At night a navigation on a small boat to oberve some wildlife like alligators and others.

Jaguar Panthera onca

2nd Day
08:30 Typical breakfast
09:30 Navigation in Ibare river to reach the junction with the Mamore river, it is good chance to observe birds, turtles and dolphins (BUFEOS)

Lunch at the boat or in the sandy beaches. (Swimming in the river depends on the water level)

The duration of these activities is about 8 hours.
At about 18H we get back to Chuchini lodge
19H Dinner

Capibaras-Hydrochoerus hydrochaeri
Museum Moxos Culture

3 Day
08:30 Typical breakfast
After breakfast chances of hourse riding or a bycle ride.
Att about 10H we have the oportunity of a visit to a museum of the Hydraulic culure (CasarabeCultura,Moxos culture)

At noon we can go for a ride on the Chuchini lagoon to observe the wildlife around it
After lunch we return to Trinidad
We drop you off at your place at about 16H
End of the tour
